Dispenser-TD150 Dispenser-TD150自动喷液手消毒器
产品参数型号:Dispenser 150安装高度:机器底部距离地面100-110cm安装模式:壁挂、台式 电池型号\\\\数量:2号电池/2节(10000次)材质:ABS 外观尺寸(mm):140*140*210药液容量:... ...
Laboratory glassware washer disinfectors
Laboratory glassware washer disinfectors Steelco Laboratory Glass Washers are at the forefront of knowledge and research guaranteeing the user tested and con... ...
实验室器皿清洗设备.配备不同的车架可以清洗试管 烧瓶 移液管和其他实验室器皿. 配套清洗剂可以保证清洗效果.完全无残留清洗实验室玻璃器皿和重复使用材料,使得本产品在分析合成和细胞培养实验室扮演了... ...
实验室器皿清洗设备.配备不同的车架可以清洗试管 烧瓶 移液管和其他实验室器皿. 配套清洗剂可以保证清洗效果.完全无残留清洗实验室玻璃器皿和重复使用材料,使得本产品在分析合成和细胞培养实验室扮演了... ...
Pharma Washer 全自动实验室玻璃器皿清洗机(洗瓶机)
实验室器皿清洗设备.配备不同的车架可以清洗试管 烧瓶 移液管和其他实验室器皿. 配套清洗剂可以保证清洗效果.完全无残留清洗实验室玻璃器皿和重复使用材料,使得本产品在分析合成和细胞培养实验室扮演了... ...
实验室器皿清洗设备.配备不同的车架可以清洗试管 烧瓶 移液管和其他实验室器皿. 配套清洗剂可以保证清洗效果.完全无残留清洗实验室玻璃器皿和重复使用材料,使得本产品在分析合成和细胞培养实验室扮演了... ...
LAB600 实验室器皿清洗机Laboratory glassware washer
en:> LAB 600 front loading laboratory glassware features arethe adjustable upper washing/drying levelsa powerfulbuilt-in HEPA fi ltered forced air drying system.The upper level can be placed at... ...
LAB610 实验室器皿清洗机Laboratory glassware washing system
en:Steelco Laboratory Glass Washers are at the forefront of knowledgeresearch guaranteeing the user testedconsistently effi cient washing results. Steelco offers a large range of machines, baskets... ...
LAB 680清洗消毒机1.用途意大利Steelco公司的LAB系列清洗消毒机用于各种实验器皿的清洗、消毒和干燥。对于不同的实验室配备不同的清洗架,使其可以广泛应用于化工、制药、食品、生物和医疗等领域。清洗消毒机可... ...
实验室器皿清洗设备.配备不同的车架可以清洗试管 烧瓶 移液管和其他实验室器皿. 配套清洗剂可以保证清洗效果.完全无残留清洗实验室玻璃器皿和重复使用材料,使得本产品在分析合成和细胞培养实验室扮演了... ...
LAB500C 实验室器皿清洗机Laboratory glassware washer
en:> LAB 500 CSteelco Laboratory Glass Washers are at the forefront of knowledgeresearch guaranteeing the user testedconsistently effi cient washing results. Steelco offers a large range of mac... ...
LC80S 动物\笼具清洗机Cage & Rack WASHER
STEELCO Cage & Rack WASHER LC80/S The LC 80-S has been developed specifi cally for any application where items are requiredto be cleanedthermo or chemical disinfected.The machine is available ... ...
MITO AC3500 MITO AC3500动物笼具在线清洗系统
MITO AC3500动物笼具在线清洗系统 This concept has been transferred into this n... ...
LAB-Q 实验室器皿清洗机Laboratory glassware washing system
汰可分®LAB-Q 实验室器皿清洗机用于各种实验器皿的清洗。根据不同实验室配备相应清洗架,可广泛应用于化工、制药、食品、生物和医疗等领域清洗物品:试管、移液管、培养皿、锥形瓶、容量瓶、烧瓶、烧杯,其他... ...
LA8000 动物\笼具清洗机Cage & Rack WASHER
STEELCO Cage & Rack WASHER LAB8000 The LAB 8000 has been developed specifi cally for any application where items are requiredto be cleanedthermo or chemical disinfected.The machine is availabl... ...
LAB1400 动物\笼具清洗机Cage & Rack WASHER
Animal cages washer> LAB 1400> Steelco LAB 1400 is an effi cient system which is able to cleanand disinfect all types of animal cages.It grants an easy maintenance of the cagesassures, byrin... ...
LAB500 实验室器皿清洗机Laboratory glassware washer
实验室器皿清洗设备.配备不同的车架可以清洗试管 烧瓶 移液管和其他实验室器皿. 配套清洗剂可以保证清洗效果.完全无残留清洗实验室玻璃器皿和重复使用材料,使得本产品在分析合成和细胞培养实验室扮演了... ...
AC1400 动物\笼具清洗机Cage & Rack WASHER
Animal cages washer>AC 1400> Steelco AC1400 is an effi cient system which is able to cleanand disinfect all types of animal cages.It grants an easy maintenance of the cagesassures, byrinsing... ...
AC8000 动物\笼具清洗机Cage & Rack WASHER
STEELCO Cage & Rack WASHER AC8000 The AC 8000 has been developed specifi cally for any application where items are requiredto be cleanedthermo or chemical disinfected.The machine is available ... ...